National External Diploma Program
National External Diploma Program
Adults can demonstrate high school-level skills through completing a portfolio of life skill and academic tasks, anywhere they have access to the internet.
The NEDP is a hands-on learning program that assesses the high school level skills of adults and out-of-school youth. The NEDP evaluates the reading, writing, math, and workforce readiness skills with real-world relevance.
Assesses high school-level skills awarding a traditional diploma so graduates can meet their academic and career goals
Designed for self-directed out-of-school youth and adults with life and work experiences and a general familiarity with the computer
Offers flexible scheduling and confidentiality
Includes tasks for in-demand career and lifelong learning experiences in Financial Literacy, Health Literacy, Civic Literacy, Geography, History, Science, and Twenty-First Century Workplace
Evaluates skills based on the Common Core College and Career Readiness standards.